
How to Delete Save Data and Applications

Do you want to delete Nintendo 3DS or DSiWare data? Nintendo 3DS DSiWare · From the HOME Menu tap the System Settings icon, then Open. Tap Data Management. Tap ...

How do you delete game save files? - Nintendo 3DS

You can press ZR while selecting data to erase the selected data. Alternatively, you can hold down A+B+X+Y while the game loads (afer the ...

Hey guys, can you show me how to delete the save file...

Try pressing Up+B+X on the title screen. That's how you erase your save on the main Pokemon games. If that doesn't work try holding L+R+A+B+X+Y ...

How to Delete Save Data and Applications

From the HOME Menu tap the System Settings icon, then Open. Tap Data Management. Tap DSiWare. Tap System Memory to delete data saved to the system memory. Or tap SD Card to delete data saved to the SD Card. Select the data you would like to

Topic: Can you delete VC save data?

Press Up, Up, Down Down, Left, Left, Right, Right on the title screen to erase all save data. A sound will play if you are successful.

How to erase DS game save data on my 3DS if the game doesn't ...

Click Manage Save Data/Screenshots, and then Delete Save Data. If you're in handheld mode, you can click Delete Save Data right away.

Did anyone ever figure out how to delete save data on 3DS?

The save data for retail games is located on the Game Card. See the game's manual for information on deleting save data. yeah i don ...

How do you delete DS game data on a 3ds?

If you want to delete all of your saved data, press and hold SELECT, the L Button, and right on the + Control Pad when you touch the Advance ...

How To Delete 3DS Perma-Saves

Here's a way to delete the permanent game saves found on some 3DS titles using an R4i Save Dongle. Surprisingly some greedy developers ...

How to Reset Saved Data in Mario Kart 7 on Nintendo 3ds Walk ...

How to Reset Saved Data in Mario Kart 7 on Nintendo 3ds Walk through. This is a walk through of how to delete your saved data from the Mario ...


DoyouwanttodeleteNintendo3DSorDSiWaredata?Nintendo3DSDSiWare·FromtheHOMEMenutaptheSystemSettingsicon,thenOpen.TapDataManagement.Tap ...,YoucanpressZRwhileselectingdatatoerasetheselecteddata.Alternatively,youcanholddownA+B+X+Ywhilethegameloads(aferthe ...,TrypressingUp+B+Xonthetitlescreen.That'showyoueraseyoursaveonthemainPokemongames.Ifthatdoesn'tworktryholdingL+R+A+B+X+Y ...,FromtheHOMEMenuta...
